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Surplus Procedure
Updated 1,583 Days AgoPublic

Version 3 of 4: You are viewing an older version of this document, as it appeared on Oct 28 2020, 12:01 PM.

This document outlines the procedure for surplusage excess computers and computer parts:

The website Surplus Procedure also outlines this procedure.

  1. Ensure that the computer(s) is inventoried. The inventory is done either through IMM, or a spreadsheet accessible through the ECC-Admin OneDrive.
  1. Fill out the form linked by the button "PREPARE COMPUTER FOR SURPLUS" on the above website. It will ask for the computer(s) make and model, then the serial numbers and tags. You can request multiple computers for surplus, just put all of their makes and models along with their matching serial numbers and tags, such as:

image.png (557×1 px, 51 KB)

You may also have some monitors that can be surplus, so add those in the additional components section.

  1. After filling out the form, a OIT Tech should come by to assess the computer(s) and place a label on the computer to assure that they removed the hard drive (data security).
  1. After the OIT Tech places labels on computers, you can make a surplus transfer inside of AssetWorks ( AssetWorks ) to schedule a time for the surplus department to pick up the surplus.

Picture of surplus page ->

image.png (800×810 px, 72 KB)

Last Author
Last Edited
Oct 28 2020, 12:01 PM