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Updated 1,842 Days AgoPublic

The VPRI, OIT and the College of Engineering recently purchased a site license for MATLAB. The site license (aka Total Headcount license) allows you and your students to install MATLAB on any university or personal computer. You can download MATLAB and receive a license by visiting the website below and clicking “Sign in to get started”.

Here is a list of the included toolboxes:

· Simulink

· Bioinformatics Toolbox

· Control System Toolbox

· Curve Fitting Toolbox

· DSP System Toolbox

· Data Acquisition Toolbox

· Image Processing Toolbox

· Instrument Control Toolbox

· Optimization Toolbox

· Parallel Computing Toolbox

· Signal Processing Toolbox

· Simscape

· Simscape Multibody

· Simulink Control Design

· Stateflow

· Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

· Symbolic Math Toolbox

· Standard Suite

· Communications Toolbox

· Computer Vision Toolbox

· Deep Learning Toolbox

· Econometrics Toolbox

· Embedded Coder

· Financial Toolbox

· Fixed-Point Designer

· Fuzzy Logic Toolbox

· GPU Coder

· Global Optimization Toolbox

· HDL Coder

· Image Acquisition Toolbox

· MATLAB Coder

· MATLAB Compiler

· MATLAB Compiler SDK

· MATLAB Report Generator

· Mapping Toolbox

· Model Predictive Control Toolbox

· OPC Toolbox

· Partial Differential Equation Toolbox

· RF Toolbox

· Robotics System Toolbox

· Robust Control Toolbox

· SimBiology

· Simscape Electrical

· Simscape Fluids

· Simulink Coder

· Simulink Real-Time

· System Identification Toolbox

· Vehicle Network Toolbox

· Wavelet Toolbox

Last Author
Last Edited
Jul 11 2019, 11:23 AM

Event Timeline

ajanib changed the title from Matlab to MATLAB.
ajanib edited the content of this document. (Show Details)