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Creating And Restoring Backups
Updated 2,733 Days AgoPublic

Creating a Backup

To create a backup of a current working virtual machine (e.g. ecc-a-17), the machine must first be brought down:

$ sudo systemctl stop hmux@ecc-a-17

The logical volume should then be written to a file for ease of transport:

$ sudo dd if=/dev/mapper/vg1-ecc--a--17 of=/backups/ecc-a-17.dd bs=1M status=progress

This can also be done over the network using netcat:

$ sudo nc -l 7000 | sudo dd of=/pool0/backups/ecc-a-17.dd bs=1M # on the client saving the backup
$ sudo dd if=/dev/mapper/vg1-ecc--a--17 bs=1M | nc 7000 # on the host sending the backup

Restoring from a Backup

The process for restoring a backup is more or less the same as creating one but with the arguments just flipped around:

$ sudo dd if=/backups/ecc-a-17.dd of=/dev/mapper/vg1-ecc--a--17 bs=1M status=progress

Or, over the network:

$ sudo nc -l 7000 | sudo dd of=/dev/mapper/vg1-ecc--a--17 bs=1M # on the client restoring the backup
$ sudo dd if=/pool0/backups/ecc-a-17.dd bs=1M | nc 7000 # on the server containing the backup

Backing up/Restoring Using Multi-cast


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Last Edited
Aug 22 2017, 11:57 AM

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