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Configuring a Linux machine
Updated 1,536 Days AgoPublic

This guide also goes through how to domain join the Linux system (Ubuntu, Debian, etc.) to the UNR network.

Install OS and necessary tools
  1. Install OS using live disk (When asked for user, make ecc-admin account using the credentials normally used).
  2. Log in as ecc-admin.
  3. Become root user.
$ sudo -i
  1. Copy script from Steamboat (need to edit this step later)
  2. Grant execution permission for the script.
$ chmod +x
  1. Run the script.
$ .\
Domain join the machine
  1. Run the domainjoin-cli command and authenticate using NetID credentials.
$ domainjoin-cli join RD.UNR.EDU $

If you run into a Kerberos Error LW_ERROR_KRB5KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN run the following command:

$ sudo /opt/pbis/bin/lwsm restart lwreg
  1. Add the machine to the correct OU (Organizational Unit) using AD (Active Directory). Ask one of the admins to assist with this.
  2. When command finishes, reboot the machine.
Confirm NetID login works
  1. Click on "Not listed?" at the login screen. (If it doesn't work at first, wait a few minutes and try again)
  2. Type in NetID, hit enter, then enter password. If you're able to log in, then the machine has successfully been domain joined.

Set up OpenSSH Server

The following steps will allow users to SSH into the new PC as the root user using the coen-ansible key.

  1. Login as ecc-admin
  2. Become root user
  3. Copy contents of /srv/ansible/.ssh/ to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Last Author
Last Edited
Nov 5 2020, 4:09 PM

Event Timeline

amcintyre changed the title from Cloning Linux to Configuring a Linux machine.Nov 5 2020, 3:50 PM
amcintyre edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
amcintyre created this object.