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Updated 924 Days AgoPublic

Download VMware Player from here:

Click the downloaded .exe file to run the installer:

ogre01.png (23 KB)

If prompted by Windows, select “Yes” to allow the app the make changes to your device:

ogre02.png (15 KB)

Select Next to run the installer:

ogre03.png (35 KB)

Click the checkbox to accept the license terms, then click Next:

ogre04.png (23 KB)

You don’t need the Enhanced Keyboard Driver, go ahead and add the conso{F128262}

Uncheck both options here, select Next:

ogre06.png (27 KB)

Select if you would like Desktop and Start Menu shortcuts, select Next:

ogre07.png (14 KB)

Select Install, the install will take about a minute to complete:

ogre08.png (14 KB)

Once completed, select Finish:

ogre09.png (27 KB)

From the start menu, open the VMware program:

ogre10.png (64 KB)

Choose the first option to use VMware without a license key, select Continue:

ogre11.png (10 KB)

Select Finish to launch VMware player...

Last Author
Last Edited
Jan 14 2022, 4:23 PM