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Using Linux Subsystem on Windows
Updated 2,342 Days AgoPublic

If Cygwin is not appealing to you, you can install the Linux Subsystem on Windows by heading over to

IMPORTANT: You may choose any distro you like, but keep in mind all files created on the Linux Subsystem is local to the machine. Be sure to back the files up elsewhere.

Install the following applications into your Linux Subsystem: xopenssh, curl, wget, rsync, scp*, gedit, g++, gcc, make, cmake, xlaunch, xinit, tmux, x11-fonts-*, xorg-docs, xorg-server, gdb, vim, nano.

Last Author
Last Edited
Aug 22 2018, 3:13 PM

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lanle edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
lanle changed the edit policy from "All Users" to "Restricted Project (Project)".
lanle changed the title from Using Linux Subsystem on Windows to Using Linux Subsystem on Windows [WIP].Aug 6 2018, 11:55 AM
lanle edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
lanle changed the title from Using Linux Subsystem on Windows [WIP] to Using Linux Subsystem on Windows.Aug 22 2018, 3:13 PM
lanle edited the content of this document. (Show Details)