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Updated 2,536 Days AgoPublic

Installing Cygwin

  1. Download cygwin from and run the installer

    cygwin1.PNG (393×532 px, 29 KB)
  2. Choose install from the internet

    cygwin2.PNG (393×532 px, 11 KB)
  3. Choose the installation directory and the install type

    cygwin3.PNG (393×532 px, 16 KB)
  4. Choose a temporary directory to download files to

    cygwin4.PNG (393×532 px, 11 KB)
  5. Select the connection type (system proxy settings is usually fine)

    cygwin5.PNG (393×532 px, 12 KB)
  6. Select a download site (the first choice is usually fine)

    cygwin6.PNG (393×532 px, 17 KB)
  7. Search for the package "openssh" and expand the Net category

    cygwin7.PNG (393×532 px, 14 KB)
  8. Click on the circular arrow icon to mark the package for installation

    cygwin8.PNG (393×532 px, 14 KB)
  9. Repeat steps 7 & 8 for the package "rsync"

    cygwin9.PNG (393×532 px, 15 KB)
  10. Press next to finish the installation

    cygwin10.PNG (393×532 px, 15 KB)

Using Cygwin

  1. To use ssh, open cygwin and type "ssh username@server.domain". Note that you may be prompted to confirm ECDSA key fingerprint if you haven't connected to the server, simply type yes to continue connecting.

    cygwin11.PNG (370×581 px, 21 KB)
  2. To use rsync, open cygwin and type "rsync -avr --progress file-to-copy username@server.domain:~/path/to/copyto"

    cygwin12.PNG (370×581 px, 8 KB)
  3. You can then verify the file was copied by ssh'ing to the server

    cygwin13.PNG (370×581 px, 4 KB)
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Last Edited
Mar 20 2018, 4:03 PM

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