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Updated 2,402 Days AgoPublic

Version 9 of 32: You are viewing an older version of this document, as it appeared on Aug 1 2018, 12:00 PM.



  • Step 1: Clone a machine in the lab. This will act as the server for the multicast
  • Step 2: Netboot the entire lab
  • Step 3: Connect to using your netid
# ssh
$ ssh
  • Step 4: On steamboat, source into your environment to use ansible.
cd /srv/ansible/
source python_env/bin/activate
IMPORTANT: Check that all the hosts you want to clone have responded and no others. * Step 5: To check all hosts, do ansible -i /etc/ansible/hosts -m "shell" -a "hostname" with a lab name after. `lang=bash # ansible -i /etc/ansible/hosts -m "shell" -a "hostname" LAB -u root $ ansible -i /etc/ansible/hosts -m "shell" -a "hostname" lab_d -u root `
  • Step 6: Using ansible, run the subscriber script
nohup sh /images/multi/ &
  • Step 7: Run the sender script on the machine acting as the server and hit key to start sending the script is located in /images/multi
  • Step 8: Hit key on server to start sending data
Last Author
Last Edited
Aug 1 2018, 12:00 PM

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