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PR2 Virtualization
Updated 2,166 Days AgoPublic

Version 6 of 14: You are viewing an older version of this document, as it appeared on Mar 12 2019, 3:43 PM.

Virtual host environment for testing PR2 packages on different distros.

PR2.png (481×687 px, 48 KB)

Setting up the Host machine:
Before getting started, you'll probably be working on some Ubuntu Server, so you'll need a GUI for managing the virtual machines. This is done by enabling xforwarding in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and ensuring that: X11Forwarding yes is in there. Then you can run ssh -Y user@serverip to have a GUI pop up when messing around with the Virtual Manager.

You'll also need an .iso image to use to install to the virtual machine. Easiest way to do so is to run the following command (for 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04 Server): wget

Setting up a Virtual Machine:
sudo virt-manager
Something like this will show up, this is the general virtual machine manager we'll be using for our network. Click on 'Create a new virtual machine' on the top-left corner, and then follow along like so:

Screenshot from 2019-03-12 15-02-18.png (579×546 px, 27 KB)

Screenshot from 2019-03-12 15-02-31.png (583×556 px, 59 KB)

Browse for the filepath of the .iso you're using for the VMs
Screenshot from 2019-03-12 15-03-01.png (472×587 px, 57 KB)

Specify the amount of memory and processor cores being used for the VM
Screenshot from 2019-03-12 15-03-10.png (579×554 px, 53 KB)

Specify the hard drive space allocated for the VM to use for storage
Screenshot from 2019-03-12 15-03-15.png (577×548 px, 56 KB)

Specify the name that you will refer to that VM as, and double-check that everything looks good
Screenshot from 2019-03-12 15-03-20.png (587×552 px, 64 KB)

Go through the installation process in the VM that pops up
Screenshot from 2019-03-12 15-03-40.png (487×643 px, 12 KB)

Setting up one VM and then cloning is the best method to set up a virtual network, as you won't need to sit through the installation process on each VM, unless you want to use different operating systems on each VM. To clone a VM, simply right-click the VM in virt-manager and click 'Clone'. A window will pop up like this:

Screenshot from 2019-03-12 15-39-56.png (585×559 px, 76 KB)

Specify the name of the VM. The machine itself will be an exact copy, so make sure to update the hostname and any other necessary information when you boot into the VM itself

Last Author
Last Edited
Mar 12 2019, 3:43 PM

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