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CS381 VM
Updated 1,494 Days AgoPublic

This VM will run on VirtualBox or VMware

To Install VM:
Download Image:
Download VMware Player from here: VMware Player Download
To run the installer:
Choose next

image.png (392×495 px, 24 KB)

Click the checkbox to accept the license terms, then hit next
image.png (392×495 px, 15 KB)

You can elect to use the keyboard driver, up to you, then hit next
image.png (392×495 px, 10 KB)

Uncheck the two options and hit next
image.png (392×495 px, 16 KB)

Choose if you want to create start menu options and desktop icons and then hit next
image.png (392×495 px, 9 KB)

Then hit install, the installer will take a minute or so to finish
image.png (392×495 px, 8 KB)

Now the installer is complete, hit finish
image.png (392×495 px, 20 KB)

The icon will look something like this, click on it to launch the program
image.png (98×70 px, 3 KB)

Then a license window will pop up, choose the first option
image.png (303×320 px, 7 KB)

Then on the next window hit finish
image.png (303×320 px, 8 KB)

On this window, hit Open a Virtual Machine
image.png (561×700 px, 25 KB)

Then look in the downloads folder or wherever your downloads go for the CS381VM.ova file and click open
image.png (533×925 px, 23 KB)

Then choose the name for the VM and the path for the storage file (Defaults are fine unless you want them somewhere else)
Then click import
image.png (231×345 px, 6 KB)

This message will pop up and then click retry and it will import
image.png (251×323 px, 11 KB)

Wait until the import is complete
image.png (120×410 px, 2 KB)

Change the RAM and CPU allocations based on your computer's hardware by clicking on edit virtual machine settings
image.png (561×700 px, 29 KB)

You can change the settings you need here
image.png (689×706 px, 26 KB)

Then launch the VM by clicking on the name of the VM

Once it starts up, the credentials are below

  • User: student
  • Pass: student
Last Author
Last Edited
Jan 25 2021, 2:07 PM

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