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Using VMWare
Updated 2,354 Days AgoPublic

  1. Go to the VMware website and download the VMware Workstation Player.
  2. Complete the setup to install the workstation.
  3. While VMware is being installed, download the Ubuntu 18.04 iso, or any other distro of your choice.
  4. Next, you'll be prompted to choose between the free, noncommercial use one, or the license one when you open up the VMware Workstation. Select the first option, free for noncommercial use, and hit Continue and Finish.

vmware.PNG (303×320 px, 11 KB)

  1. On the initial setup, you'll want to select the first option, Create a New Virtual Machine.

vmware1.PNG (618×700 px, 49 KB)

  1. Select the iso file you just recently downloaded by hitting the Browse... button.

vmware3.PNG (430×428 px, 16 KB)

  1. Complete the click through.
NOTE: You will be asked for a username and password. This can be whatever you so choose as all files are local to that virtual machine.
  1. It may take a while for the files to be installed, but once it's done, you should see a login prompt. Sign in with the username and password that you have created.
  2. Finally, you will need to install the gcc compiler. Hit + ALT + T to open up the terminal. Then paste the following into the terminal. Input your password when prompted.
sudo apt install g++

Screenshot from 2018-09-07 08-46-10.png (488×986 px, 18 KB)

  1. You will see Do you want to continue? [Y/n]. Type Y and to continue.

Screenshot from 2018-09-07 08-44-48.png (452×986 px, 98 KB)

  1. Afterwards, type in the command below into the terminal and hit Y when prompted to do so.
sudo apt install build-essential

Screenshot from 2018-09-07 08-46-55.png (452×986 px, 130 KB)

  1. You should be all set to go now!

If you have any questions, contact us at or stop by the ECC in SEM231.

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Last Edited
Sep 18 2018, 8:15 AM

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lanle changed the title from Using Virtual Machine to Using VMWare.Aug 22 2018, 6:13 PM
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lanle edited the content of this document. (Show Details)