==-Automated Process-==
Here is an automated script that will run the commands below for you. Make sure you run `chmod +x pbis.sh` to make it executable, and then `sudo ./pbis.sh` to run it. You will still need to run the `domainjoin-cli` command to join it to the domain, as well as get it moved to the right OU in the Active Directory.
==-Manual Process-==
wget -O - http://repo.pbis.beyondtrust.com/yum/RPM-GPG-KEY-pbis|sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys FDE053D27237D0AC
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pbiso.list http://repo.pbis.beyondtrust.com/apt/pbiso.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install pbis-open openssh-server
====Join to domain====
sudo domainjoin-cli join RD.UNR.EDU $USER@unr.edu
`#sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config RequireMembershipOf "UNR\\GG-Engr-ECC-Students" "UNR\\GG-Engr-ECC-Admin" "UNR\\GG-Engr-ECC-Faculty"`
`sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config HomeDirTemplate "/home/%U"`
`sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config HomeDirUmask "077"`
`sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config UserDomainPrefix "UNR"`
`sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config AssumeDefaultDomain true`
`sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config LoginShellTemplate /bin/bash`