==Cloning a New Drive
1. Restart the and machine and boot it to PXE Debian.
2. Login with ecc-admin.
3. Get sudo privillages (Password at K11).
$ sudo su
4. cd into cloning folder
$ cd /netboot/images/clone
5. Run clone script.
$ ./clone.py --part-type mbr --disk /dev/sda
6. Reboot!
$ reboot
== Manually Cloning a New Drive
1. Restart the and machine and boot it to PXE Ubuntu.
2. Login with ecc-admin.
3. Get sudo privillages (Password at K11).
5. cd into cloning folder
$ cd /netboot/images/clone
5. copy partion table onto drive
$ dd if=mbr/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda
6. Copy over boot partition
$ dd if=mbr/ecc-mbr-p1.img of=/dev/sda1 bs=4M
7. use parted on drive
$ sudo parted /dev/sda
$ resizepart 2
$ 325GB #if multicasting, otherwise use the size of the drive (found by using fdisk -l)
$ quit
8. Copy over root partiton
$ ntfsclone -r -O /dev/sda2 common/ecc-qemu-p4.ntfs
9. Resize the partition
$ ntfsresize -ff /dev/sda2
10. Reboot! 😄
$ reboot