=Compile Singularity
Install Dependencies
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install \
python \
dh-autoreconf \
build-essential \
sudo -i
cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/sylabs/singularity.git
cd singularity.git
git checkout tags/2.6.0
make –j 4
make install
=Basic Singularity Workflow
#Pull the Ubuntu 16.04 container from docker.
singularity build --sandbox my-container-ubuntu1604 docker://ubuntu:16.04
#Open up a bash shell for the container
singularity shell --writable openfoam6-ubuntu1604/
#Build an .simg file for use on pronghorn.
singularity build openfoam6-ubuntu1604.simg openfoam6-ubuntu1604/